Leaderboard for the worst times

# Player Map Time (hours)
101 高须 龙儿 Fly to the Moon 12.33
102 藍波球 skynet compilation 12.29
103 逢坂 大河 Fly to the Moon 12.28
104 flyfly skynet compilation 12.24
105 夏沫冰茶 skynet compilation 12.17
105 自京师乘枫 skynet compilation 12.17
107 perfect skynet compilation 12.14
108 whole Fly to the Moon 12.06
108 Cieven skynet compilation 12.06
110 四洞 Fly to the Moon 12.04
111 阿伟还没死 skynet compilation 12
112 不可逆 Red Hell 11.96
112 Red Hell 11.96
114 wlszd Dels 11.87
114 Kenshiro Red Hell 11.87
116 Ginger. Explosive 11.86
117 xujojo skynet compilation 11.68
118 款鸡涌 skynet compilation 11.67
119 2899309082 skynet compilation 11.66
120 mikael skynet compilation 11.56
121 whis_tee skynet compilation 11.54
122 月夜丶残星 skynet compilation 11.49
123 Brezn MicCore 11.47
124 aniueroo Fly to the Moon 11.42
125 Intercity Insane 2 11.4
126 小小zhi skynet compilation 11.34
127 芜湖起飞 skynet compilation 11.33
128 吃草莓屁屁 skynet compilation 11.27
129 瞄准月亮 skynet compilation 11.26
130 小熊猫 skynet compilation 11.19
131 杜杜杜比 skynet compilation 11.14
132 jcone skynet compilation 11.09
133 表达窝2 skynet compilation 11
134 表达窝 skynet compilation 10.98
135 Fly to the Moon 10.83
136 核桃 skynet compilation 10.8
137 Fly to the Moon 10.75
138 此间之缘 skynet compilation 10.72
139 6G MicCore 10.68
140 [D] 喵星人 Fly to the Moon 10.65
141 青颜 skynet compilation 10.63
142 滑稽丶 skynet compilation 10.62
143 ZnC2O4 skynet compilation 10.59
144 菠萝菠萝蜜 AreaOfEffect 10.58
145 MG skynet compilation 10.57
146 别堵路!! Fly to the Moon 10.51
147 Blooduu skynet compilation 10.44
148 墨辞 skynet compilation 10.41
149 可口 skynet compilation 10.38
150 猩猩点灯 skynet compilation 10.37
150 Nan Xue Fly to the Moon 10.37
152 skynet compilation 10.33
153 不拉进终点 Fly to the Moon 10.31
154 拉面少年糕 skynet compilation 10.3
155 肥肉偷跑了 Fly to the Moon 10.24
156 早柚Rua skynet compilation 10.2
157 WOW skynet compilation 10.19
158 美夢 skynet compilation 10.18
159 MirkFog skynet compilation 10.17
160 Maethorion Explosive 10.16
161 Kenshiro skynet compilation 10.15
162 秋月 Brownie 10.14
163 Seanhu Brownie 10.11
164 diaoes Fly to the Moon 10.08
165 我是个寄吧 skynet compilation 10.05
166 ok123123 skynet compilation 10.03
166 -—-一 Fly to the Moon 10.03
168 SunWeiYi Zephronikon 10.01
168 Q8 skynet compilation 10.01
170 桃李_ skynet compilation 10
170 nestling Difficult 1.1 10
170 freaking Difficult 1.1 10
170 孤独 skynet compilation 10
170 pinfandsj skynet compilation 10
170 爱与美食不 skynet compilation 10
176 wycnb Zephronikon 9.96
176 电竞少女林 skynet compilation 9.96
178 黑雨 skynet compilation 9.94
179 摸鱼鱼 skynet compilation 9.93
179 WOODY skynet compilation 9.93
181 帝逝 skynet compilation 9.9
182 熊大 skynet compilation 9.84
183 GM skynet compilation 9.79
184 黑雨 skynet compilation 9.78
185 筱枫鸭 Therapy 9.77
186 我是ikn skynet compilation 9.75
187 트롤 Fly to the Moon 9.71
188 果赖哲理 Fly to the Moon 9.67
189 蘑菇怪 skynet compilation 9.63
190 Adr_0 skynet compilation 9.62
191 扯东扯西 skynet compilation 9.61
192 yang Fly to the Moon 9.57
193 好多鱼 skynet compilation 9.56
193 我叫大黄 skynet compilation 9.56
193 志村妙 skynet compilation 9.56
196 树上小芒果 Fly to the Moon 9.54
197 玥玥 skynet compilation 9.52
198 darkfeather Dels 3 9.51
199 Izuna skynet compilation 9.47
200 WickedIzuna skynet compilation 9.44
201 Cyril Dels 3 9.42
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